Meaning Donor lymphocyte infusion
What does Donor lymphocyte infusion mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Donor lymphocyte infusion. You can also add a definition of Donor lymphocyte infusion yourself


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Donor lymphocyte infusion

(DLI) A cancer treatment in which lymphocytes from a bone marrow donor are infused into the person who received the original bone marrow transplant. The goal of donor lymphocyte infusion is to induce a remission of the cancer by a process called the graft-versus-tumor (GVT) effect. Donor lymphocyte infusion is basically meant to boost the GVT effec [..]


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Donor lymphocyte infusion

A type of therapy in which lymphocytes from the blood of a donor are given to a patient who has already received a stem cell transplant from the same donor. The donor lymphocytes may kill remaining ca [..]


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Donor lymphocyte infusion

In medicine, a person who gives blood, cells, tissue, or an organ for use in another person, such as in a blood transfusion or an organ transplant.

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