Meaning Dupuytren contracture
What does Dupuytren contracture mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Dupuytren contracture. You can also add a definition of Dupuytren contracture yourself


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Dupuytren contracture

A localized formation of scar tissue in the palm of the hand within a tissue (fascia) beneath the skin of the palm that normally covers the tendons that pull the fingers into a grip. As Dupuytren's contracture progresses, more of the fascia becomes thickened and shortened. Dimpling and puckering of the skin over the area eventually occurs. The [..]
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Dupuytren contracture

A fibromatosis of the palmar fascia characterized by thickening and Contracture of the fibrous bands on the palmar surfaces of the hand and fingers. It arises most commonly in men between the ages of [..]

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