Meaning Early termination charge
What does Early termination charge mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Early termination charge. You can also add a definition of Early termination charge yourself


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Early termination charge

In auto leasing, a charge that the lessee must pay if the car is turned in before the term of the lease is over.


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Early termination charge

Additional fee charged when a lease is ended before the agreed-upon term. Often represents a substantial penalty.


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Early termination charge

The amount you owe if your lease ends before its scheduled termination date, calculated as described in your lease agreement. The earlier your lease is terminated, the greater this charge is likely to be. The charge is generally the difference between the early termination payoff and the amount credited to you for the vehicle.


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Early termination charge

The amount you owe if your lease ends before its scheduled termination date, calculated as described in your lease agreement. The earlier your lease is terminated, the greater this charge is likely to be. The charge is generally the difference between the early termination payoff and the amount credited to you for the vehicle. Suppose, for example, [..]

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