Meaning Economy 7
What does Economy 7 mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Economy 7. You can also add a definition of Economy 7 yourself


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Economy 7

With this electricity plan, electricity you use during the night costs less. As a general rule, you'll need to be using around 20% of your energy consumption at night to make a saving on an Econo [..]


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Economy 7

This is an electricity tariff that means you pay a different price for your electricity at different times of the day. On this tariff, the electricity you use will be cheaper for seven hours during th [..]


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Economy 7

Economy 7 electricity is a generic industry term for off-peak (night time) electricity. Because of the peculiar economics of electricity generation, certain large power stations (particularly coal and nuclear) need to run around the clock. They therefore produce electricity at night time when most of us have little need for it. To incentivise night [..]

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