Meaning In-App Purchases
What does In-App Purchases mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word In-App Purchases. You can also add a definition of In-App Purchases yourself


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In-App Purchases

I’m app purchases don’t necessarily mean the whole app just randomly charges you for even having the app, it just means you can make purchases in the app but you have the choice in the app to not do it.
Josh - 7 March 2018


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In-App Purchases

In-App Purchases is a way for developers to earn extra income & a way for users to purchase new services, features all with in the mobile application.
Source: (offline)


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In-App Purchases

Purchases that are made by users within your app, such as currency to use in the game purchased with real money, services, and upgrades. If you’re developing an IAP pricing strategy, read our post abo [..]

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