Meaning Local Wires Company
What does Local Wires Company mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Local Wires Company. You can also add a definition of Local Wires Company yourself


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Local Wires Company

Formerly called a local electric utility or a Transmission and Distribution Utility, this company is responsible for delivering electricity to your area, reading your meter, and maintaining the poles [..]


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Local Wires Company

The company that transmits and delivers electricity to a customer's home or business along the poles and wires (formerly a local electric utility). This company is still responsible for maintenance and repair of these poles and wires and will respond to emergency power outages. Also known as the Transmission & Distribution Service Provider [..]


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Local Wires Company

The company that transmits and delivers electricity to a customer’s home or business along the poles and wires (formerly a local electric utility). This company is still responsible for maintenance and repair of these poles and wires.


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Local Wires Company

Transmits and delivers the electricity to a customer’s home or business along the poles and wires. This company is responsible for maintenance and repair of these poles and wires and regulated by the PUC.

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