Meaning Peliosis hepatis
What does Peliosis hepatis mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Peliosis hepatis. You can also add a definition of Peliosis hepatis yourself


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Peliosis hepatis

A rare condition in which the liver contains multiple, randomly-distributed blood-filled spaces or cavities ranging in size from millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. Peliosis hepatis has been associated with the use of anabolic steroids and other hormones such as oral contraceptive pills. It has also been observed in association with bot [..]


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Peliosis hepatis

A Vascular Disease of the LIVER characterized by the occurrence of multiple Blood-filled Cysts or cavities. The Cysts are lined with Endothelial Cells; the cavities lined with hepatic parenchymal Cell [..]


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Peliosis hepatis

A vascular disease of the LIVER characterized by the occurrence of multiple blood-filled CYSTS or cavities. The cysts are lined with ENDOTHELIAL CELLS; the cavities lined with hepatic parenchymal cell [..]

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