Meaning Spotting Session
What does Spotting Session mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Spotting Session. You can also add a definition of Spotting Session yourself


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Spotting Session

A spotting session is a meeting with the composer and director/music supervisor to determine what type of music and where the music is placed in specific sections of a film. It is most often done when [..]


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Spotting Session

After a movie/TV program is filmed and during the editing phases of a project, the director, composer & music supervisor get together and come to a meeting of the minds on what types of music will be used, and where specific musical cues will occur (this is why SMPTE is so important—these codes are used to note the timing of the cues). The musi [..]
Source: (offline)


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Spotting Session

The Spotting Session usually takes place after the filming and editing phases of a production have been completed. At the Spotting Session, the director and composer agree on what types of music will [..]

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