Meaning Summary Conviction Offence
What does Summary Conviction Offence mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Summary Conviction Offence. You can also add a definition of Summary Conviction Offence yourself


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Summary Conviction Offence

A summary conviction is generally considered for less serious offences. Many summary offences have a maximum jail sentence of six months and a maximum fine of $2,000.00. Tthe trial for summary offences is held in Provincial Court before a provincial court judge. See Hybrid Offence and Indictable Offence.


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Summary Conviction Offence

Generally considered the less serious offences. Crown Counsel must approve charges within six months of the actual offence unless the accused consents. Maximum jail term is six months for most offences, but for a very limited number of offences may be to an eighteen months maximum. These cases are dealt with in Provincial Court.


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Summary Conviction Offence

is a lesser offence that is generally punishable by a fine of not more than $2,000 or imprisonment for six months, or both. A few offences allow a maximum of 18 months in jail.

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