Meaning Tone Curve
What does Tone Curve mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Tone Curve. You can also add a definition of Tone Curve yourself


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Tone Curve

This is a curved line graph that expresses the change in density between input and output. A condition with no change in density is shown by a straight 45-degree line. Brightness and contrast can be adjusted by shifting that line or giving it a curve. This is one of the functions of image processing software.
Source: (offline)


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Tone Curve

A graph used in digital photography that displays tonal range. A straight line at 45 degrees shows that the contrast is unchanged. To modify contrast you can usually click anywhere on the line and pul [..]


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Tone Curve

A graph used in image editing software to display the value within the photo. The tone curve is adjustable in terms of both light and color.
Source: (offline)

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