Meaning Wobe-Mugos E
What does Wobe-Mugos E mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Wobe-Mugos E. You can also add a definition of Wobe-Mugos E yourself


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Wobe-Mugos E

A mixture made from an extract of the calf thymus gland and enzymes (proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body) from the papaya plant, the pancreas of cows, and the pancreas of pigs. It ha [..]


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Wobe-Mugos E

A mixture made from an extract of the calf thymus gland and enzymes (proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body) from the papaya plant, the pancreas of cows, and the pancreas of pigs. It has been used in Europe as a treatment for a variety of cancers and for herpes virus infections.

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