Meaning abstract syntax tree
What does abstract syntax tree mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word abstract syntax tree. You can also add a definition of abstract syntax tree yourself


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abstract syntax tree

A data structure that represents the structure of a program or program fragment. Its leaves are literals, such as numbers and variable names, while its internal nodes represent higher-level structures [..]


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abstract syntax tree

<computer programming> A data structure representing something which has been parsed, often used as a compiler or interpreter's internal representation of a program while it is being optimised and from which code generation is performed. The range of all possible such structures is described by the abstract syntax. Acronym: AST (01 Mar 1 [..]


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abstract syntax tree

Compilers often construct an abstract syntax tree (AST) for the semantic analysis. Its nodes are programming language constructs and its edges express the hierarchical relation between these construct [..]

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