Meaning addition compound
What does addition compound mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word addition compound. You can also add a definition of addition compound yourself


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addition compound

An addition compound contains two or more simpler compounds that can be packed in a definite ratio into a crystal. A dot is used to separate the compounds in the formula. For example, ZnSO4·7 H2O is a [..]


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addition compound

Copper Sulfate crystals are actually an addition compound of copper sulfate and water called copper sulfate pentahydrate." > Copper Sulfate crystals are actually an addition compound of copper sulfate and water called copper sulfate pentahydrate.  Anne Helmenstine [..]


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addition compound

Strictly, a complex of two or more complete molecules in which each preserves its fundamental structure and no covalent bonds are made or broken (e.g., hydrates of salts, adducts), loosely, association of acids with basic organic compound's (e.g., amines with HCl), more loosely, addition of two molecules without loss of any atom, but forming n [..]

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