Meaning agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
What does agnogenic myeloid metaplasia mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word agnogenic myeloid metaplasia. You can also add a definition of agnogenic myeloid metaplasia yourself


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agnogenic myeloid metaplasia

A progressive, chronic disease in which the bone marrow is replaced by fibrous tissue and blood is made in organs such as the liver and the spleen, instead of in the bone marrow. This disease is marke [..]


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agnogenic myeloid metaplasia

A de novo myeloproliferation arising from an abnormal Stem Cell. It is characterized by the replacement of Bone Marrow by fibrous Tissue, a process that is mediated by Cytokines arising from the abnor [..]


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agnogenic myeloid metaplasia

A progressive, chronic disease in which the bone marrow is replaced by fibrous tissue and blood is made in organs such as the liver and the spleen, instead of in the bone marrow. This disease is marked by an enlarged spleen and progressive anemia. Also called chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, idiopathic myelofibrosis, myelosclerosis with myeloid me [..]


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agnogenic myeloid metaplasia

A progressive disease of the bone marrow where neoplastic bone marrow stem cells lodge and grow in multiple sites outside the bone marrow. Typically, there is enlargement of the spleen and a gradual replacement of the bone marrow elements by fibrosis (scarring), progressive anaemia and variable changes in the number of white blood cells and platele [..]

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