Meaning Backweight
What does Backweight mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Backweight. You can also add a definition of Backweight yourself


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Any weight attached to the back of the head of golf club is referred to a back weight.
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On purpose of changing the whole weight, any technical qualities of the club head or the swingweight, a so called backweight is added to do so. The backweight got his name because it distributes the weight to the rear of the clubhead. The backweight is used to influence the center of gravity or heightens the moment of interia.
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Any weight attached to the back of the head of a golf club. A backweight serves to redistribute weight to the rear of a clubhead. In a driver, backweighting influences the center of gravity, lowering it and moving it back from the face, which can help those golfers who have trouble getting the ball airborne. In a putter, a backweight is most often [..]
Source: (offline)

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