Meaning heavy freezing spray warning
What does heavy freezing spray warning mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word heavy freezing spray warning. You can also add a definition of heavy freezing spray warning yourself


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heavy freezing spray warning

A warning for an accumulation of freezing water droplets on a vessel at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater caused by some appropriate combination of cold water, wind, cold air temperature, and vessel [..]


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heavy freezing spray warning

A warning for an accumulation of freezing water droplets on a vessel at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater caused by some appropriate combination of cold water, wind, cold air temperature, and vessel movement.
Source: (offline)


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heavy freezing spray warning

A Heavy Freezing Spray Warning is issued by the National Weather Service of the United States to warn vessels that accumulation of freezing water droplets due to a combination of cold water, wind, col [..]

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