Meaning particle size distribution
What does particle size distribution mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word particle size distribution. You can also add a definition of particle size distribution yourself


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particle size distribution

The weight, or net volume, of solid particles that fall into each of the various size ranges, given as a percentage of the total solids of all sizes in the sample of interest. Particle size can be determined by sieve analysis, light scattering, passage through an electrically charged orifice, settling rate or other methods. Data are typically shown [..]
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particle size distribution

Classification of particles of similar size based on the total population analyzed, i.e. 100%. Graphic or numberical representation relays the quantity of particles of similar size, the distribution.
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particle size distribution

(PSD) A determination of the distribution of the particles in a series of size classes of a soil, sediment or rock.
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particle size distribution

The size range and quantity of particles which are measurable in a dry or liquid sample. Used to determine the appropriate filter media for a specific process.
Source: (offline)

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