Meaning relative survival rate
What does relative survival rate mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word relative survival rate. You can also add a definition of relative survival rate yourself


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relative survival rate

A way of comparing the survival of people who have a specific disease with those who don’t, over a certain period of time. This is usually five years from the date of diagnosis or the start of treatme [..]


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relative survival rate

A specific measurement of survival where the rate is calculated by adjusting the rate to remove all causes of death except cancer. It is the ratio of a cancer patient's chance of surviving a give [..]


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relative survival rate

A way of comparing survival of people who have a specific disease with those who don’t. The percentage of survivors is usually determined at specific times, such as 2 years and 5 years after diagnosis or treatment. The relative survival rate shows whether the disease shortens life.

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