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Definitions (77)


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cyclonic flow

Winds that blow in and around a cyclone, that is counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
Source: 395travel.com (offline)


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zonal flow

The flow of air along a latitudinal component of existing flow, normally from west to east.
Source: 395travel.com (offline)


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debris cloud

Considered a rotating cloud of debris or dust that is on the ground or near the ground. The debris cloud appearing beneath a thunderstorm will most likely confirm the presence of a tornado.
Source: 395travel.com (offline)


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absolute humidity

A type of humidity that considers the mass of water vapor present per unit volume of space. Also considered as the density of the water vapor. It is usually expressed in grams per cubic meter.
Source: 395travel.com (offline)


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The horizontal transfer of any property in the atmosphere by the movement of air (wind). Examples include heat and moisture advection.
Source: 395travel.com (offline)


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Statements that are issued by the National Weather Service for probable weather situations of inconvenience that do not carry the danger of warning criteria, but, if not observed, could lead to hazardous situations. Some examples include snow advisories stating possible slick streets, or fog advisories for patchy fog condition causing temporary res [..]
Source: 395travel.com (offline)


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air pollution

The soiling of the atmosphere by contaminants to the point that may cause injury to health, property, plant, or animal life, or prevent the use and enjoyment of the outdoors.
Source: 395travel.com (offline)


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In meteorology, the measure of a height of an airborne object in respect to a constant pressure surface or above mean sea level.
Source: 395travel.com (offline)


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Composed of flattened, thick, gray, globular masses, this middle cloud genus is primarily made of water droplets. In the mid-latitudes, cloud bases are usually found between 8,000 and 18,000 feet. A defining characteristic is that it often appears as a wavy billowy layer of cloud, giving it the nickname of "sheep" or "woolpack" [..]
Source: 395travel.com (offline)


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A relative pressure maximum. An area of pressure that has diverging winds and a rotation opposite to the earth's rotation. This is clockwise the Northern Hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the opposite of an area of low pressure, or a cyclone; Related term: high pressure.
Source: 395travel.com (offline)

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