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Definitions (14)


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glossary of terms

Puzzled by all the unit measurements on your bill? Here's a rundown of what they mean and how they apply to you.
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)


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mprn = meter point reference number

The MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number) number identifies your connection to the NIE Network and is unique to your home.
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)


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volt = a unit of electrical voltage

A volt is the electrical force required to push current through an electrical circuit. Most domestic homes in Ireland are supplied at a nominal voltage of 230V (single phase).
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)


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kilovolt = 1000 volts

This is the term normally used for medium and high voltages, e.g. 20 kV = 20,000 volts.
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)


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amp = a unit of electric current

An amp is the measurement of current flowing in an electrical circuit. Its full name is an 'ampere'.
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)


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kilovolt-ampere = 1000 volt-amperes

This is a term used to describe the level of 'apparent' power imported or consumed by your business, and is the basis of your Maximum Import Capacity (MIC)
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)


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watt = a unit of electric power

A watt is the unit of measurement of 'active/real' power. The power used in a basic electrical circuit is the volts multiplied by the amps.
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)


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kilowatt = 1000 watts

A kW is the term normally used for 'active/real' electric power, sometimes referred to as 'Demand' or 'Load'.
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)


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megawatt = 1000 kilowatts

A megawatt is sometimes used as a unit of measurement for large electric loads provided to business customers.
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)


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kilowatt hour = 1000 watts for 1 hour

This is the basic unit of electricity consumption and refers to the real/active electric load (kW) used over time
Source: bpncctest.esb.ie (offline)

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