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Definitions (11)


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There is no one acceptable commercial or legal definition for free-range eggs in the United States, according to Karen Davis, president of United Poultry Concerns, a Potomac, Maryland-based animal advocacy organization. Certified Humane
Source: (offline)


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certified naturally grown

A grassroots alternative to the USDA’s National Organic Program meant primarily for small farmers distributing through local channels – farmer’s markets, roadside stands, local restaurants, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs and small local grocery stores – the farmers that make up your local landscape! The standards and growing require [..]
Source: (offline)


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certified organic

The United States Department of Agriculture requires that anyone who produces, processes or handles organic agricultural products must be certified by a USDA-accredited certifier in order to sell, label or represent their products as “organic.” To become certified, an organic producer, processor or handler must develop, implement and maintain an or [..]
Source: (offline)


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chemical free

Part of sustainable agriculture prohibits the use of harmful chemical pesticides. As a practice, chemical free farming aims to restore soil stability and fertility in target locations. Chemical-free agriculture is difficult, especially where land has already been degraded. Cooperative
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Community Supported Agriculture is a direct connection between the farmers and the consumers. To join a CSA is to buy a share of the season’s harvest. The farmer gains the security of knowing he or she has been paid for a portion of the harvest and the farmer’s “community” participates in how and where their food is grown. This direct connection pu [..]
Source: (offline)


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The total area from which a person’s food is collected is known as a foodshed. As with watersheds the choices individuals make within their zone of influence can have profound impacts throughout their community and region. In order to support local agriculture it is important to purchase as much of your food as possible from within a small, local a [..]
Source: (offline)


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grass-fed/ pasture-raised

Grass-fed or pasture-raised livestock have had continuous access to pasture throughout their lives and have never been confined to a feedlot where movement is limited. This type of livestock typically spends about 80% or more of their lives with access to fresh forage as the primary energy source. The end product results in leaner meats compared to [..]
Source: (offline)


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A horticultural variety which has survived anywhere from several generations to thousands of years. Heirlooms are typically maintained by small groups of private individuals to preserve genetic diversity and/or certain characteristics, are not in large scale use and are pollinated openly. IPM Methods
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license to sell raw milk

The sale of liquid raw milk is legal for permitted farms in PA. Raw milk has not been heated above a cow’s highest healthy body temperature which is no more than 101 degrees F (38 degrees C) nor frozen, has not been altered with additives, chemicals, light or homogenization. Although raw milk licensing is currently being deliberated, you can find o [..]
Source: (offline)


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sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture means building farms that can sustain healthy soil, produce healthy food and be profitable as well. The farm then becomes a vital economic part of the community, enhancing open space, providing community access to fresh, healthy food, and keeping the money spent on that farm in the community. Methods of sustainable agricultu [..]
Source: (offline)

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