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Definitions (114)


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zombie cookie

A zombie cookie is a cookie illegally planted that remains even after it has been deleted by the removal option on a browser. It continues to gather information about a user’s activities usually for the purposes of surreptitious marketing research. Zombie cookies can work across several browsers on the same computer, and can gather information abou [..]
Source: (offline)


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A concept arguing that people, especially young people, deeply immersed social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook create their identities collectively with help from online friends, and with a sense that identity construction is always partly a fictional process. Part of a larger argument that Web 2.0 features like "wikis" are cha [..]
Source: (offline)


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A website, typically informational or educational (cf. Wikipedia), that allows open, collaborative editing directly online.
Source: (offline)


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is the use of information gathered legally or illegally from an individual’s social media page or other online identity cache that is used to exclude that user from certain marketing offers based on economic and racial profiling done through tracking one’s online traffic patterns and expressed preferences. The term is meant to echo “redlining,” a p [..]
Source: (offline)


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web 2.0

refers to the more interactive dimensions developing on the World Wide Web in the 21st century, and the increasing convergence of digital forms on single devices (e.g. phoning, emailing, texting, Web surfing, photography and videography all on a smartphone), and the remediation and of old media into digital spaces such that movies, television shows [..]
Source: (offline)


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virtual reality

Processes and devices that seek to provide total immersion experiences in which a sense of daily experiential reality is replaced by a digitally simulated one. VR seeks to replace one or more sources of sensory experience with a visual, aural or tactile simulation that feels as immediate as the real world. A variety of VR devices and applications e [..]
Source: (offline)


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wearable computers

While people have been wearing computers in a sense at lease since the advent of digital watches, the concept of wearable computers generally refers to more fulsome integration of digital connection via clothing. There have been many kinds of wearable computers for a couple of decades that had limited adoption (virtual reality suits constitute an e [..]
Source: (offline)


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virtual community

First lauded by digital culture early adopter, Howard Rheingold, virtual community has any group of individuals, from a handful to thousands, who share a particular interest or passion that they share primarily if not exclusively through interactions online or through other elements of digital culture. Skeptics unfavorably compare such digital grou [..]
Source: (offline)


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viral; going viral

Analogous to the spread of a computer virus (itself analogous to the spread of a biological virus), a cultural product goes viral on the Net when it has a sudden explosion in popularity, receiving a huge number of hits, sometimes in the millions. While a relatively rare phenomenon, the occasional viral success gives inflated hope to independent cul [..]
Source: (offline)


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is the use of Instant Messaging or similar programs for communication among cellphones or other messaging-capable devices. The world record for thumbed texting is less than 22 seconds to type "The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack [..]
Source: (offline)

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