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Definitions (60)


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dsg glossary

Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)


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below is a list of terms commonly used by the digital scholarship group

Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)


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Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)


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administrative metadata

Administrative metadata is used to manage a digital object. The DRS uses administrative metadata to record who has the right to view an object or what changes have been made to an object over time.
Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)


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A set of step-by-step instructions for achieving a computational task.
Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)


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application programming interface

An API (application programming interface) is a set of specifications used to instruct technologies on how to interact with each other. For example, Fedora, the architectural foundation of the DRS, has an API that allows other programs and interfaces, like WordPress or Omeka, to access or display files stored in the DRS.
Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)


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authority control

Authority control is the method of selecting and approving a single term to describe a concept or a single name for a person or entity. Authorized terms and names are used to eliminate ambiguity and confusion in descriptive practices, and can be useful in the sorting and browsing of search results.
Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)


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Blacklight is discovery interface that allows users to interact with search results in a useful way. The DRS uses Blacklight to create facets and limits for search results.
Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)


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cascading style sheets

A language for describing the formatting of an XML or HTML document. CSS is primarily used by web browsers to control the look of web pages.
Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)


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central authentication service

Central Authentication Service (CAS) is a protocol that allows users to access to many different applications by signing in to only one service. Northeastern University uses Shibboleth as its CAS, and the DRS uses Shibboleth to authenticate users for the DRS.
Source: dsg.neu.edu (offline)

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