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Definitions (14)


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advance directives

Directions given by a competent individual concerning what and/or how and/or by whom decisions should be made in the event that, at some time in the future, the individual becomes incompetent to make health care decisions.  An example is a woman who has signed a document that states that, should she fall into a persistent vegetative state, she does [..]
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)


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common law

 – Law developed over the years by judges when making decisions in court.  These decisions are relied upon by other judges in making decisions in later cases.  This is to be distinguished from acts and regulations. Competent
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)


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 – A deliberate act undertaken by one person with the intention of ending the life of another person to relieve that person’s suffering where that act is the cause of death. Guardian
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)


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 – The characteristic of a person which renders them incapable of understanding and appreciating the relevant information as well as the nature and consequences of the decision to be made. Informed consent
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)


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 – A court order for the purpose of requiring a party to refrain from doing a particular act or thing.  A preventive measure, an injunction guards against future injuries rather than affording a remedy for past injuries. Instruction directive
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)


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 – Law made by elected members of government, also referred to as “statute” or “Act”. Mature minor
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)


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official guardian

 – A government office that may be appointed to, among other matters, act as guardian of an adult who is found unable to manage his or her own affairs.  Also referred to as “public trustee” in some jurisdictions or “curator” in Quebec. Palliative care
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)


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palliative interventions

Palliative interventions aim to relieve suffering and improve quality of life for those who are living with or dying from an illness. Palliative sedation
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)


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parens patriae

 – Literally “parent of the country”, parens patriae is the authority of the court to act on behalf of those people perceived to be unable to manage their own affairs. Proxy
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)


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proxy directive

An advance directive that establishes who is to make decisions on behalf of an incompetent individual. Public trustee
Source: eol.law.dal.ca (offline)

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