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Definitions (3)


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digit: 28th part of a cubit. width of a finger. approx. to half-inch: to steal. rhyming slang for "pinch." inch: 10 lines. 1000 thou. or mils. width of man's thumb

Wain (also called cart-load, load, wain, etc.):
Source: hemyockcastle.co.uk


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pound note: £1. paper note replaced by the modern £1 coin. sovereign: 20 shillings. small gold coin. rarely used. guinea: 21 shillings. small gold coin. rarely used. term still used in horse racing and auctions. slang terms and lore involving british mone

& Golden Rule):
Source: hemyockcastle.co.uk


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big bang day: 27th october 1986

Source: hemyockcastle.co.uk