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Definitions (34)


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mode share

A transportation term that describes the number of trips, or percentage of travelers, using a particular type of transportation (car, transit, bicycling, walking). (AKA modal split) Learn more.
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)


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aashto guide

The American Association of State Highway Transportation Official’s (AASHTO) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities is a primary resource for creating and designing bicycle facilities in the U.S.
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)


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Something or someone who grows stronger and more robust from stressors.
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)


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bicycle driving advocates

Bicycling advocates whose primary goal is to improve the cultural acceptance, equality and safety of bicyclists on the roadway. (AKA equality advocates)
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)


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bike box

A traffic control device which places an advanced stop line for bicyclists ahead of the regular stop line for motorists. There are two types of bike boxes: one that facilitates a 2-point box turn; and one that allows bicyclists in a bike lane to pass a queue of stopped traffic and move to the front of the line.
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)


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box turn

A 2-step left turn in which the bicyclist proceeds straight through the intersection (on a green light), then turns 90° to the left, facing the intersection and proceeds straight across with the next green light.
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)


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coffin corner

A colloquial term for an intersection with bike lanes striped to the corner, creating a conflict between turning motorists and bicyclists proceeding straight. (AKA suicide slot)
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)


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control and release

A savvy cycling practice in which the bicycle driver balances courtesy with safety by controlling his or her lane, but moving aside or pulling over, when it is safe and reasonable to do so, to release traffic that is unable to pass for a significant time.
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)


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control mythology

The web of stories, symbols and ideas which define the dominant culture’s sense of normal (including limiting our imagination of social change) and make people think the system is unchangeable. Learn more.
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)


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coping behavior

Behavior adopted in an effort to master, minimize or tolerate stress or conflict.
Source: iamtraffic.org (offline)

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