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Definitions (18)


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boot camp admissions

Offenders sentenced and admitted to the PA DOC motivational boot camp at Quehanna. Motivational boot camps are used in corrections to divert non-violent inmates to programs that provide discipline and structure instead of serving traditional forms of confinement.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)


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contract facilities

A residential community corrections facility operated by a private entity contracted to provide residential housing and services to offenders.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)


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convicted parole violator

A CPV is an offender who violates a condition of parole by committing a new crime and receiving a new conviction to state prison.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)


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index crime rate

Based on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, index crimes are the more severe crimes: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, and arson. The index crime rate is the number of index crimes committed within a year per 100,000 Pennsylvania residents.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)


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lsi-r risk grade

The Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) is an instrument used to estimate levels of risk of recidivism for an offender. Scores on the LSI-R range from 0-54 and offenders can be low (0-17), medium (18-26), or high (27+) risk of returning to crime after their release from prison.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)


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mandatory maxouts

Offenders who have reached their maximum sentence date due to Parole Board rejection and are required to be released from prison.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)


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negative interest in parole

Offenders who by their own choice opt out of being considered for early parole release and thus serve their maximum sentence in prison.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)


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parole releases

Parole releases are offenders who are conditionally released from state prison to serve the remainder of the sentence in the community under parole supervision.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)


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parole violator admissions

PV admissions are offenders who have violated a condition of parole (either technically or criminally) and are being re-admitted to PA DOC custody due to the violation.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)


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rrri admissions

Non-violent offenders admitted to PA DOC with a Recidivism Risk Reduction Incentive (RRRI) minimum sentence, which is a sentence that is shorter than their regular minimum sentence. RRRI offenders who successfully complete their programming and behave in prison are eligible to be paroled at this reduced, RRRI minimum sentence date.
Source: jridashboardpa.net (offline)

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