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Definitions (392)


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big book

Big books are enlarged versions of a reading book, usually illustrated and with very large type, generally used by a teacher guided group of students to read together and learn about concepts of print [..]
Source: ldaustralia.org


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Graphophonic refers to the letter /sound relationship between the orthography (symbols) and phonology (sounds) of a language.
Source: ldaustralia.org


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perceptual handicap

A perceptual handicap causes difficulty in accurately perceiving or discriminating, processing or organizing visual, auditory, or tactile information. The rate of development and learning depend upon [..]
Source: ldaustralia.org


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verbal efficiency theory

The Verbal Efficiency Theory is attributed to Perfetti & Lesgold (1979). It states that mere word recognition accuracy is not, in itself, sufficient to enable fluent reading comprehension. Instead [..]
Source: ldaustralia.org


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cluster grouping

The practice of grouping students around achievement levels, often for identifying the top (perhaps) five to eight academically talented or intellectually gifted students at a grade level, and placing [..]
Source: ldaustralia.org


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multisensory approach

A multisensory approach advocates instructional strategies that integrate use of students’ senses, including touch and movement. It is thought that practice to mastery can be facilitated by u [..]
Source: ldaustralia.org


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orthographic knowledge

Orthographic knowledge understands that the speech sounds in a language are represented by written or printed symbols, associated with spelling, but also knowledge of hyphenation, capitalization, word [..]
Source: ldaustralia.org


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Accumulating student information, both formative and summative, to ensure a correct record is kept of his/her progress, used to inform appropriate programming for the student.
Source: ldaustralia.org


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word attack

Word attack is an aspect of reading instruction that includes teaching of strategies for decoding as well as recognition of frequently occurring and irregular words by sight. 
Source: ldaustralia.org


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In education, accommodations, or adjustments, are modifications to teaching and learning environments intending to help equalise access to the curriculum and assessment for students with learning diff [..]
Source: ldaustralia.org

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