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Definitions (131)


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201 petition

A voluntary commitment that a person, 14 years or older, signs when he/she wants to be in the hospital voluntarily. With a 201, the person can leave the hospital after he/she gives notice that he/she no longer wants treatment. When the person signs a 201, he/she also signs a statement that he/she promises to give the hospital anywhere from 0 to 72 [..]
Source: (offline)


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302 petition

An authorization for involuntary emergency evaluation for no more than 120 hours (5 days). Three people can authorize this: a County Mental Health Officer, a policeman, or a physician. The reasons for seeking a 302 are that a person exhibiting severe mental disability poses a present danger to self or others. The person will be taken to a hospital [..]
Source: (offline)


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303 petition

A hearing held to determine if a person who has received a 302 should be committed. This hearing must be held within 120 hours of the person's admittance to the hospital. A commitment can be for a maximum 20 days.
Source: (offline)


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304b petition

This hearing is for a person who is in the hospital involuntarily on a 303 commitment. The 304B hearing must occur before the 20 days expire. The person can be committed for a maximum of 90 days on a 304B or be released.
Source: (offline)


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active listening

People are actively listening when they respond to someone in a way that shows that they have listened to what the person has said and understand how the person feels and what they are saying about themselves. A helpful way to do this is for the listener, having heard what the speaker has said, to then repeat, in the listener's own words, what [..]
Source: (offline)


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activities of daily living

An index or scale which measures a patient's degree of independence in bathing, dressing, using the toilet, eating, and moving from one place to another.
Source: (offline)


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acute care

Medical treatment rendered to individuals whose illnesses or health problems are of a short-term or episodic nature. Acute care facilities are those hospitals that mainly serve persons with short-term health problems.
Source: (offline)


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adult protective services

Adult Protective Services receives and investigates reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly persons (defined as age 65 and older) and persons with disabilities.
Source: (offline)


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american psychological association

The American Psychological Association in Washington, DC, is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and is the world's largest association of psychologists.
Source: (offline)


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american public human services association

The American Public Human Services Association is a nonprofit, bipartisan organization of individuals and agencies concerned with human services.
Source: (offline)

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