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Definitions (13)


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bosnia glossary glossary & who's who chetniks

Derisive term for Serb nationalists used by some Croats, Moslems and liberal Serbs to denote extremism. The term refers to a Serb nationalist movement founded in the 19th century. Dayton Peace Accords
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richard c. holbrooke

Former Assistant Secretary of State, the United Statesí chief negotiator responsible for the Dayton peace plan. HVO
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Implementation Force, the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Bosnia created under the Dayton accords. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
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International Police Task Force, established by the United Nations, charged with reporting human rights violations to the war crimes tribunal. Alija Izetbegovic
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radovan karadzic

President of the Bosnian Serb Republic, indicted by the war crimes tribunal for human rights violations in connection with the deaths of thousands of Muslims in Srebrenica in July 1995 and the shelling of civilians in the siege of Sarajevo. Knin
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slobodan milosovic

President of Serbia, proponent of Serb nationalism, key engineer of the Serbian split with Croatia and Slovenia in 1990, possible target of Bosnian charge of genocide in the war crimes tribunal. Ratko Mladic
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Capital of the Bosnian Serb Republic, former ski resort. Partisans
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The capital of Bosnia. A center of arts and education under relentless siege by Bosnian Serb forces throughout the war, until the advent of the Dayton accords. Before the war, Serbian, Muslim, Jewish and Croatian Bosnians lived together in Sarajevo in peace. It was the site of the 1984 Winter Olympics and the scene of the assassination of Archduke [..]
Source: pixelpress.org (offline)


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One of many towns and cities designated as by the United Nations as "safe areas" that came to symbolize the ineffectuality of United Nations protection during the war in the former Yugoslavia. It was conquered by Bosnian Serbs in the summer of 1995. Dusan Tadic
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josip broz tito

Originally famed for World War I military valor, Tito was the heroic leader of Partisans against totalitarian Ustashi, Chetniks and Axis powers in Yugoslavia during World War II. He was the chief architect and leader of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, delicately balancing the region's national rivalries until his death in 1980. F [..]
Source: pixelpress.org (offline)

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