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Definitions (28)


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An underground geological formation, or group of formations, containing fresh water. Represents a source of ground water that is drawn via wells or appears on the surface in springs.
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baseline monitoring of water sources

Baseline monitoring provides authorities with a clear understanding of the chemical status of water sources in the vicinity of a shale gas well before and after operations. Testing may include sampling water wells and surface water such as rivers, ponds or lakes.
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carbon capture and storage

A collection of technologies that capture the CO2
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coal bed methane

Like tight gas and shale gas, CBM is another source of unconventional natural gas. CBM is generated during coal formation and is then contained within the microstructure of a coal. Typically recovery of CBM entails pumping water out of the coal seam to allow the gas to escape.
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economically recoverable estimates

Refer to the portion of a technically recoverable reserve of gas for which there exists a sufficient economic incentive to extract. That is to say the proportion of a reserve that can be extracted at a price that will allow it to be sold onto consumers at a competitive price, once extracted.
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The controlled burning of natural gas produced in routine oil and gas production operations. The option to release gas to the atmosphere by flaring or venting is an essential practice in oil and gas production, primarily for safety reasons.
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flowback water

When the hydraulic fracturing of a well, or well interval, is completed, pressure is released from the well. This reduction in surface pressure results in a change in the direction of flow within the well, and fracturing fluid flows back up through the wellbore to the surface. This returned water is commonly referred to as “flowback water”.
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fracturing fluid

A fluid injected into a well as part of a stimulation operation. Fracturing fluids for shale reservoirs usually contain water, proppant, and a small amount of additives
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fugitive methane

Refers to methane losses that may occur at any stage of the natural gas value cycle.
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green completion

Green completion technologies are systems that are used to reduce fugitive methane losses during well completions. Typically this involves capturing the methane that is present in the flowback water that must be removed from a well following completion and prior to production.
Source: (offline)

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