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Definitions (105)


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(online) advertising: [onl]

Online advertising comprises a variety of forms of advertising. The most popular has been banner advertising, although text advertising is gaining ground rapidly as a form used by the two networks: Go [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu


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advertising network: [adv]

Advertising network refers to an infomediary, which serves between a group (network) of web sites (which want to host advertisements) and advertisers which want to run advertisements on those sites. D [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu


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autoresponder: [aut]

Autoresponders are used to send an automatic e-mail in response to an incoming e-mail message. This allows for the sender to know the e-mail has been received, which is important due to the asynchrono [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu


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banner exchange: [bann]

A banner exchange program is a program designed to allow marketers to exchange banners (a form of bartering) to enable marketers to promote their sites without the outlay of cash. A program typically [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu


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barnes & noble: [barnesnoble]

Barnes & Noble.com; Wikipedia; Archive Barrier(s) To Entry: [bar] Barrier to Entry refers to the costs incurred for a new entrant to enter a marketplace. Examples include fixed costs such as the d [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu


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barter: [bart]

Bartering is the trade of goods from one enterprise to another, without the transfer of payments. Many internet businesses trade their products and services, to avoid payments and / or to stimulate de [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu


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(shopping) bots: [bot]

Bots are software programs developed to help the user search the web to identify and compare products for purchase. Examples include: Froogle, MySimon, DealPilot.com, FrictionLess.com, and Epinions.co [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu


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broadband: [bro]

Broadband refers to the ability of the user to view content across the internet that includes large files, such as video, audio and 3D. Broadband refers to an increased ability to do so. The term narr [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu


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bugs: [bug]

A bug is the term used to describe a coding error in a computer program. Bugs can be discovered throughout the development process. As systems are tested with live users (through alpha and beta versio [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu


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burn-rate: [bur]

Burn-rate refers to the amount of money a company spends from month to month (money burnt) in order to survive. Thus a burn-rate of $50,000 would mean the company spends $50,000 a month above any inco [..]
Source: www1.udel.edu

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