Meaning Effective reach
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Effective reach

See Effective frequency.
Source: (offline)


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Effective reach

The number or percentage of a target audience that is exposed to a schedule of advertising spots at a set level of frequency. This will typically specify a lower threshold value indicating the minimum level of exposure deemed as sufficient for "effective" advertising purposes (e.g. 4+ reach) and an upper threshold (e.g. 12+ reach) above w [..]
Source: (offline)


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Effective reach

The percentage of a target audience that is exposed to a campaign at a set level of frequency determined to be necessary in order to generate recall (in order for a viewer to remember having seen it).


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Effective reach

The unique number or percentage of a target audience that is exposed to a schedule of faces at a set level of frequency. This will typically specify a lower threshold value indicating the minimum leve [..]


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Effective reach

The number or percentage of a target audience that is exposed to a schedule of advertising spots at a set level of frequency. This will typically specify a lower threshold value indicating the minimum level of exposure deemed as sufficient for "effective" advertising purposes (e.g. 4+ reach) and an upper threshold (e.g. 12+ reach) above w [..]
Source: (offline)

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