Meaning Pop-up ads
What does Pop-up ads mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Pop-up ads. You can also add a definition of Pop-up ads yourself


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Pop-up ads

Unsolicited advertising that appears as a "pop-up" window on a computer screen. Sometimes these can be created to look like a financial institution's request for personal information.


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Pop-up ads

A form of web advertising that appears as a "pop-up" on a computer scree. They are intended to increase web traffic or capture email addresses. However, sometimes pop-up ads are designed wit [..]


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Pop-up ads

A form of web advertising that appears as a "pop-up" on a computer screen, they are intended to increase web traffic or capture email addresses. However, sometimes popup ads are designed with malicious intent like when they appear as a request for personal information from a financial institution.
Source: (offline)

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