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TnetennbaA 9 letter word, made famous by British comedy "The IT Crowd". Good for games of Countdown.
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TnetennbaOne who looks up words which have been artificially created for the purpose of fiction or comedy.
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TnetennbaVerb. An action that simultaneously makes Rachel Riley aroused and Suzie Dent grit her teeth. I.e.: "Moss had a classic tnetennba on Countdown last night."
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Tnetennban. (tuh.net.un.bar) A word used by Maurice Moss in the Channel 4 sitcom The IT Crowd, whilst appearing on a fictional edition of the popular daytime game show 'Countdown.' There are no [..]
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Tnetennba1. The overall direct and indirect map of associated key words of A specific word/s (thing) searched for in a search engine. eg: A. the tnetennba on this search engine sucks, it cant find its ass with both its hands. eg: B. hey this tnetennba is rigged, it keeps listing the same multi corp conglomerate, SHENANIGANS! smeg this browser! }:) 2. A complete list of elusive items or things, to be searched for, needed for 1 task. eg: rats stole my supplies I must find..wood, nails, hammer, rodentine mind control cheese. hmm, iam satisfied with this tnetennba solution though i must begin the long search
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TnetennbaA type of blouse introduced in the late 20th century by Icelandic fashion designer Lineham Grahamstrom. It was inspired by older 18th century style of outerwear often used by both men and women of Nor [..]
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TnetennbaA word whose function is purely to attract traffic to a website; a gratuitously used keyword whose presence is aimed at attracting the search engines attention and improving the website’s placement in [..]
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TnetennbaAwesome Countdown answer from Channel Fours The IT Crowd.
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TnetennbaT networking circuit adapted for use by the National Basketball Association to deliver front end data to an integrated system which can deliver data in milliseconds to either key-entered or barcoded applications for data collection or data capture.
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TnetennbaCan be used in a sentence similar to the one below.
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TnetennbaA traditional Ojibwa term for the characteristic of appearing attractive to the opposite sex purely through intellectual prowess on daytime television shows. Example: Rachel Riley was really taken by Moss's tenettenba.
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