Meaning environmental sanitation
What does environmental sanitation mean? Here you find 9 meanings of the word environmental sanitation. You can also add a definition of environmental sanitation yourself


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environmental sanitation

Environmental sanitation as the name implies is the implementation of sanitary activities done to keep the environment clean and tidy and safe
Chidera Michael - 17 November 2021


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environmental sanitation

Environmental sanitation is the process of safeguarding health in order to maintain the hygiene of surroundings.
Vandna Singhmaar - 5 July 2021


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environmental sanitation

See environmental hygiene


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environmental sanitation

Environmental sanitation is the process of studying environmental terrain to understand human behaviour toward utilization of available resources and ways of discarding and reuse to avoid depletion of ecosystem.
Inemesit Timothy - 6 June 2019


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environmental sanitation

Traditionally used to indicate activities concerned with the improvement of the basic environmental conditions affecting health, i.e., water supply, human and animal waste disposal, protection of food [..]


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environmental sanitation

"Environmental sanitation" means the art and science of applying sanitary, biological and physical science principles and knowledge to improve and control the environment and factors therein [..]


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environmental sanitation

Environmental sanitation is the act of making ones environment comfortable and condusive for one to stay
And healthy enough to live
Akpaita Esther - 11 May 2022


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environmental sanitation

Environmental sanitation is the process of preventing the environment and what it haven from diseases through the application of sanitary,biological and physical science pricipals.
Ibrahim Muhammad law - 17 November 2021


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environmental sanitation

 A wide range of interventions designed to create and maintain an environment conducive to human health. This includes sanitation (defined as the infrastructure and services required for the safe management of human excreta) but also includes solid waste management, drainage of surface water and sullage, vector control, air pollution control, etc.
Source: (offline)

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