Meaning government of the day
What does government of the day mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word government of the day. You can also add a definition of government of the day yourself


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government of the day

The government of the day refers to the political party or party coalition with a majority in the House of Representatives (Commonwealth) or lower house (States). The government of the day forms the e [..]


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government of the day

Government of the day refers to the current rulers form a government by a political party elected parliamentary members of a State or central government who holds power to rule over a country
S. Richard Humtsoe - 28 March 2022


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government of the day

See: Government (2)


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government of the day

I hope you know that you are loved and treasured. You are such an amazing person, and you need to start believing in yourself! You are strong, and beautiful! You are perfect just the way you are, no matter what anyone says.
The Alien From Mars - 28 March 2021


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government of the day

  See government; cabinet; executive; premier; prime minister.
Source: (offline)

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