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Definitions (524)


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Techno Vandalism

  Techno Vandalism is a term used to describe a hacker or cracker who breaks into a computer system with the sole intent of defacing and or destroying its contents. Techno Vandals can deploy 'sniffers' on the Internet to locate soft (insecure) targets and then execute a range of commands using a variety of protocols towards a range of por [..]
Source: (offline)


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Privileged User

  A User who, by virtue of function, and/or seniority, has been allocated powers within the computer system, which are significantly greater than those available to the majority of users. Such persons will include, for example, the system administrator(s) and Network administrator(s) who are responsible for keeping the system available and may need [..]
Source: (offline)


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  A collection of applications, each of which can stand alone, but which have been designed to work together. The most common example is the 'Office Suite' which will include, normally, a Word Processor, a Spreadsheet, a Presentation application, a Personal Organiser / Scheduler, probably an e-mail program, and, in some versions, a databa [..]
Source: (offline)


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  Enhanced Graphics Adapter. Old style type of monitor. Great at the time (mid 1980s) - 'full colour' - but now several generations out of date. *** The Information Security Glossary ***
Source: (offline)


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  Enhanced Graphics Adapter. Old style type of monitor. Great at the time (mid 1980s) - 'full colour' - but now several generations out of date. *** The Information Security Glossary ***
Source: (offline)


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  In full the Intel 4004. The world's first microprocessor, released in 1971. The 4004 contained 2300 transistors and was intended for use in a calculator. By comparison, the 1996 Pentium Pro contained 5.5 million transistors, an increase of over 239,000% in 25 years - thereby helping to demonstrate Moore's Law. *** The Information Securi [..]
Source: (offline)


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  Pieces of hardware attached to a computer rather than built into the machine itself. The term includes Printers, Scanners, Hard Drive Units, Portable drives, and other items which can be plugged into a port. *** The Information Security Glossary ***
Source: (offline)


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physical security

  Physical Protection Measures to safeguard the Organisation's systems. Including but not limited to restrictions on entry to premises, restrictions on entry to computer department and Tank, locking/disabling equipment, disconnection, fire-resistant and tamper-resistant storage facilities, anti-theft measures, anti-vandal measures, etc. *** Th [..]
Source: (offline)


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  Archiving a working model of obsolete computer technology so that a machine will be available to read old archive records which were created and stored using that machines' system. Reportedly, Apple Computers have pickled a shrink-wrapped Apple II machine so that it can read Apple II software (if necessary) in the future. *** The Information [..]
Source: (offline)


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  'Ping' stands for Packet Internet (or Inter-Network) Groper and is a packet (small message) sent to test the validity / availability of an IP address on a network. The technical term for 'ping' is the Internet Control Message Protocol. Maliciously sending large volumes of 'Pings' to cause difficulties for anyone else [..]
Source: (offline)

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