Meaning early adopters
What does early adopters mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word early adopters. You can also add a definition of early adopters yourself


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early adopters

The second identifiable subgroup within a population that be-gins use of an innovation. They follow innovators and precede the early majority. Their role is to be opinion leaders and have influence over the early majority.


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early adopters

is a term used to characterize the first groups of users of any new digital device, app, program, etc. It is also sometimes used more particularly to name people who habitually seek to have the newest hi-tech stuff, or who love the challenge of experimenting with the latest products.


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early adopters

are next and climb aboard a trend early in the process. (Remember: these concepts are applicable to all timeframes independently.) They are also less likely to be driven by communal decisions. They can become very aggressive. The early majority

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