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Definitions (119)


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A cookie is a small piece of information that a Web server sends to a browser to hold onto until it's time for the server to read it. Cookies also hold expiration dates and instructions about which sites can "eat" them, along with security information to protect info. KET's pages are constructed in such a way that cookie [..]
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)


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404 error

When a browser cannot find a page that it requested or isn't allowed to let the user have it, the browser will display a page that says 404 Error: File Not Found. If this message is displayed, back up and try another link.
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)


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56k line

a digital phone-line connection (leased line) capable of carrying 56,000 bits per second. At this speed, a megabyte will take about three minutes to transfer. This is four times as fast as a 14,400-bps modem. See also: bandwidth, T-1, dedicated connection, leased line, bps
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)


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An address is the unique identifier needed to either access the services of an Internet site or send e-mail. Another word for Internet site addresses is URL. E-mail addresses are in the form of username@server.com provide a unique identifier for a users own in-box so the mail can be successfully delivered.
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)


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anonymous ftp

See: FTP
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)


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A small program that only work inside of another program. It can't start up on its own because it needs another program's operating system and files. For example, Java applets (e.g. clickable buttons or moving words) need a Java-aware web browser.
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)


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Advanced Research Projects Agency Network-the precursor to the Internet, developed in the late '60s and early '70s by the U.S. Department of Defense as an experiment in wide-area networking that would survive a nuclear war. See also: Internet
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)


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American Standard Code for Information Interchange-the de facto worldwide standard for the code numbers used by computers to represent all the upper and lowercase Latin letters, numbers, punctuation symbols, etc. There are 128 standard ASCII codes, each of which can be represented by a seven-digit binary number: 0000000 through 1111111.
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)


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Audio Video Interleaved-a Windows multimedia video format from Microsoft. It interleaves standard waveform audio and digital video frames (bitmaps) to provide 15 fps animation at 160 x 120 x 8 resolution. Requires an add-on viewer for most browsers. See also: Quicktime, MPEG
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)


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a high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major pathway within a network. The term is relative, as a backbone in a small network will likely be much smaller than many non-backbone lines in a large network. See also: network
Source: dl.ket.org (offline)

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