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Definitions (49)


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interim report

Report to an insurance company (or attorney upon request) to update a patient's condition. (Send copy to physician.)
Source: (offline)


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judge of compensation claims

A workers' compensation judge is appointed by the governor per each district, to oversee and rule on workers' compensation cases, filed on behalf of injured employees. (Each state may have different rules regarding this; check your local workers' comp. or dept. of labor division.)
Source: (offline)


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legal suit

A lawsuit whereby the plaintiff's attorney files suit or charges against the defendant on behalf of his/her injured client, the plaintiff, to recover damages and/or to continue medical payments to providers. (The defense attorney defends the insurer, or the entity being sued.)
Source: (offline)


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letter of referral

This is the same as an MD's prescription, but comes from a chiropractor or other non-MD referral. Sometimes letter of referral refers to a physician referring a patient to another specialist for an evaluation or a second opinion.
Source: (offline)


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letter carrier

The most wonderful aspect of this business! The financial rewards of your work, and determination come through the door with your letter carrier. We have had the best of them! Our mail carriers have stated numerous times that they love delivering mail to our office, stating that it is the most enjoyable segment of their routes. (You have to make th [..]
Source: (offline)


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major medical

Health insurance, sometimes referred to as catastrophic coverage for hospital and/or medical care. Also sometimes referred to as private insurance. Deductibles; limits; percentages of copay; health/prescription; dental/vision; and other forms of coverage vary depending on the specific insurance company. Some states have mandated insurers to include [..]
Source: (offline)


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managed care arrangements/organizations

Arrangements made between insurance companies and employers that must meet state regulations. These arrangements are made for the purpose of closely monitoring costs of health care providers' treatment of specific disorders, and requiring pre-certification prior to hospital admission, surgeries and requires referrals to other specialists, from [..]
Source: (offline)


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massage therapy

Manipulation of soft tissue by kneading, friction, effleurage, petrissage, or tapotement of the soft tissues, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and connective tissue, for increasing circulation; reducing toxins from the lymphatic system; providing oxygen and nutrients to damaged or weakened muscle areas; and reducing spasms that cause p [..]
Source: (offline)


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massage therapist

A licensed massage therapist is a person trained and licensed by the state to perform massage therapy services for compensation. In many states, more now than ever, a massage therapist must be licensed. "Licensed Massage Therapist" is a title preferred and even legalized in some states, while other massage professionals use different titl [..]
Source: (offline)


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medicare a & b

A federal health insurance plan set up through the Social Security system, primarily for the elderly, blind and certain disabled people. Medicare comes in two parts: Part A, Hospitalization; and Part B, Major Medical.
Source: (offline)

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