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Definitions (250)


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supplementary materials

Materials designed to be used in addition to the core materials of a course. They are usually related to the development of skills of reading, writing, listening or speaking rather than to the learning of language items: See course book.
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)


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A computer program that counts and lists the occurrences of a given term, showing examples of its use from a corpus (or body) of text. CORPUS and WORDSMITH TOOLS
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)


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These are a type of formulaic speech. They are unanalysed units which have open slots. For example: 'Can I have a .......?': See formulaic speech and routines.
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)


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pedagogic task

In pedagogic tasks, learners are required to do things which it is extremely unlikely they would be called upon to do outside of the classroom. Completing one half of a dialogue, filling in the blanks in a story and working out the meaning of ten nonsense words from clues in a text would be examples of pedagogic tasks: See real-world tasks.
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)


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American Association of Intensive English programs is a group of university and college-based intensive English programs.
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)


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academic language

language used in the learning of academic subject matter in formal schooling context; aspects of language strongly associated with literacy and academic achievement, including specific academic terms or technical language, and speech registers related to each field of study.
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)


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This can mean word stress - control has the accent on the second syllable but we use it to mean the pronunciation used by some speakers - a regional or class accent.
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)


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The process of adapting to a new culture. This involves understanding different systems of thought, beliefs, emotions, and communication systems. Acculturation is an important concept for understanding S.L.A., since successful learning is more likely when learners succeed in acculturating.
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)


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accuracy order

Learners learn and produce the L2 with varying degrees of accuracy at different stages of development, perhaps corresponding to the acquisition order.
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)


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Access Certificate in Education. An entry-level training certificate being piloted by Pitmans/City and Guilds in the UK.
Source: teflcertificatecourses.com (offline)

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