Meaning qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv
What does qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv mean? Here you find 128 meanings of the word qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv. You can also add a definition of qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv yourself


1057 Thumbs up   82 Thumbs down


in school. sad. lonely. searching urban dictionary for the meaning. but its blocked. so your here. this is relatable.
anonymous - 16 February 2018


1111 Thumbs up   162 Thumbs down


means you are in school pushing off your work and need to stop searching random things
anonymous - 18 July 2017


524 Thumbs up   59 Thumbs down


You are in study hall with no homework. You go to google and don't know what to do. So you google qpwoeirutya;sldkfjghzmxncbv and you are surprised that other people have googled that to. So now you look here and think, Wow, that is so accurate.
BROI - 16 November 2017


285 Thumbs up   28 Thumbs down


You have a computer and bored in school while the teacher isn't looking, or maybe they are; so you decide to write qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv thinking no one could have been as genius as you. You are wrong, this has been found many times.
anonymous - 18 October 2018


237 Thumbs up   25 Thumbs down


1. Your in school
2. Your bored out of your mind
3. You can't be stuffed doing your work
4. Your on your home account cause your school account is blocked


BORED - 3 December 2018


127 Thumbs up   25 Thumbs down


What are u doing with your life? ( now i add different letters and words to fill up the space)
anonymous - 25 April 2017


91 Thumbs up   8 Thumbs down


You thought you found a unique pattern but then urban dictionary showed up and you realized your not unique and everything you thought of somebody in history thought it first. even the concept of how everybody thought of everything first is not new and nothing you think is not original.
Angel Cuevas - 9 April 2018


72 Thumbs up   18 Thumbs down


go do your work you procrastination god. or else
sif - 13 February 2018


51 Thumbs up   5 Thumbs down


A sequence of letters you type into your chromebook hoping that it will help to cure your inescapable boredom and procrastination.
anonymous - 3 December 2019


35 Thumbs up   4 Thumbs down


That moment when you realize you have just wasted 20 minutes of your life reading comments like this one.
I'm also in school
anonymous - 13 February 2020


36 Thumbs up   7 Thumbs down


It means your in school bored while nodding off and you decide "oh HEY! since I'm a genius I'm gonna search this up, because your teacher makes no sense at all and is confused on why your typing randomly. Anyhow right now, your probably in school or inside of a zoom session because of covid. I hope your teacher isn't annoying as hell.
a god - 8 October 2020


37 Thumbs up   9 Thumbs down


Yer bored and u know it
U relly wanna show it
U already typed qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
And u wanna have fun
But no.
anonymous - 31 October 2017


30 Thumbs up   7 Thumbs down


It meas u mostly do dis in school and u really bored but who have also seachered up qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq and qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp and plkmijnuhbygvfcrdxeszwaq yes i know im in school right now
Maddie Parker - 29 November 2017


24 Thumbs up   3 Thumbs down


it means that you are like me and hate school so you google random stuff
anonymous - 10 September 2019


19 Thumbs up   2 Thumbs down


You just want to go home. That's it. Typing this is a sign of extreme boredom. You want to leave school and rip off your mask and go home. Me too.
anonymous - 19 December 2020


19 Thumbs up   2 Thumbs down


your in school and u type in qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv and your surprised results actually come up so you click on urban dictionary but its blocked so u click on this dopy website and your excited because you can write a definition without signing up
Chase - 6 December 2018


20 Thumbs up   4 Thumbs down


Oh god if you really exist please put me out of this misery that is school I already transferred so many of my boring power to the notebook, but it seems the more I transfer, the more quickly I get it back. PLEASE!!! Just the fact I am typing and discovered this shows my how bored I am.
School a.k.a. Hell - 17 October 2019


14 Thumbs up   0 Thumbs down


when you type all the keyboard keys starting from the top and pressing on the left and then on the opposite side and keep on going until you finish one row and then you do it again with the other rows until you did all the letters cause you're bored and don't know what to do
qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgz - 28 May 2019


24 Thumbs up   11 Thumbs down


What you type when you're so bored you've typed qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, plokimjunhybgtvfrcdexwzaq, `1234567890-=qwertyuiop\a [..]


9 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs down


You are in school pressing a "unique" combination of letters because you are bored out of your mind only to find out its on urban dictionary but its blocked. you went down 1 or 2 searches and saw this website and its unblocked. Turns out your not unique at all.
Barack O'Biden - 18 January 2021


6 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs down


It means you are bored and should be doing hmw but the friends that said they were gonna do homework with you ditched you this one time and I just spent 13 seconds of my life writing this
Boredwasted - 2 December 2019


9 Thumbs up   4 Thumbs down


It means you've just wasted your time looking for a definition. Plus typing all those letters up. Y
nunya - 5 June 2018


6 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs down


There is no true meaning of "qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv". Some historians may say it is a symbol of love. Politicians would say it is communist propaganda. But I say it is stupid.
Bob - 7 December 2018


5 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs down


It means your probably going to dissolve of boredom but you should be doing work, but you don't know what to do. Your to scared to pull out your phone because come on, it's 2020.
anonymus - 12 October 2020


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You are in School bored out of your mind because you finished all your school work and you type left right left right on your keyboard and find this definition on dictionary university
Master963 - 16 October 2020


4 Thumbs up   0 Thumbs down


It just means your bored (not at school god dammit Covid-19) and you thought u so smart to come up with this non-existing word. Just so happens u find out it's in the online dictionary. :(
little_nicky10tiktok - 7 April 2020


5 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs down


This is hard... You either:

A.) failed the easiest game/test ever

B.) You're in school, so get to work!


C.) you're just super bored.

This is a weird but cool site though.
My name isn't needed - 1 March 2019


3 Thumbs up   0 Thumbs down


your in school and don't know what to do so you try to be a genius
and search random letters but are disappointed that other people have already searched this, sound familiar??
BORED AF - 18 September 2022


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means you are bored out of ur mind and need something to do so u search this up thinking u are a genus but find out u are not
anonymous - 29 December 2020


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The definition of boredom. looking this up is a clear sign that you are very bored and you are on a school computer. ok now go get ur work done. (mods please approve because one of my classmates is currently eat a sheat of paper and and is now throwing up).
ohokay - 26 March 2021


4 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs down


Your bored, its quarantine. The teachers are giving you more homework than you would have at school. So you procrastinate and think, if i type in this pattern, surely no results would show up. Your wrong though. After this, your probably gonna type in some other pattern hoping there's no results. But, if your responsible, unlike me, you'll end up doing something actually productive. why did i type this whole definition for no reason when i should be doing homework.
No - 19 May 2020


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Yes, we are both in school and we are both bored.
You might be straying away from math, science, or even gym. But you are here. typing random concoctions into the school Chromebook. Well. Me and you both, kid.
Bruv - 5 January 2021


4 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs down


It means that you finally got into the back of the class, you have a computer in front of you, plus you are bored. They blocked the dinosaur game the psychos, so you think that google has got some cool stuff, so you try doing a different combination of all of the letters in a different order thinking your a genius, but after reading that something actually came up and saw that it has a genuine definition, you click down on the link to add your own definition, and here you are reading this thing, this is lucky for me because this is a typing class so it looks like im doing good work so gg boys easy A+ for me :)
Procrastinating god - 12 April 2021


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Dis means ur in school about to eat ur hands from boredom. U procrastinate and try not to get caught by the teacher. But no the teachers have a website where they can see what ur doing. You type this because u think this is a cure for boredom at school. You act like ur doing work by typing but no ur typing random letters from boredom. No need to worry, all these 94 people do it too.
A kid - 26 September 2021


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This means that the Corona Virus is making you bored. You are stuck inside. Every. Single. Day. I know that this sucks, but try to do something better with your time then typing random things into a search engine. I would suggest drawing, watching anime, or literally doing anything but this.
#KitKat - 7 April 2020


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it means you need a break from doing things and just started to type.....
God - 7 April 2020


4 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs down


your stuck during covid-19 and you search this because you have nothing to do.
Henry - 5 May 2020


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it means you just read the first definition whilst doing that exact thing. smiled and laughed a bit but felt extremely called out so decided to turn that exact emotion into a definition on this rip off not blocked version of urban dictionary
Venna - 15 October 2020


8 Thumbs up   5 Thumbs down


Your are so bored you don't know what to do
Dooo random things.
You are sp bored that doing suff with a keyboard becam an option
King.Edward.3 - 29 November 2017


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it means that youve reached the 8th of 9 stages of boredom (btw 9 is death)
anonymous - 11 December 2018


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It means that you have nothing better to do with your life.
Why do you care? - 3 May 2019


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Why are you people wasting time by looking up things like this ?
Oh wait... I am too

Brittney - 2 March 2019


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You have realized the pointlessness of school and just want to go home and take off your exhausting fake self and be who you really are. Also maybe take a nap.
Conner - 31 December 2022


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go do your homework.
go on
you really won't leave will you?
it's ok i know how you feel.
no, don't worry, you don't need a therapist. its just a minor case of boredom and not depression. don't cry, i know how you feel.
now go do your homework
lolzies - 4 January 2023


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Don’t worry, I’m in school with you too typing things like this.
Chicken Wings - 27 August 2021


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Wow, I cant believe I searched this and got a website!
Chloe - 7 March 2021


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Means you are in school in class and are bored out of your mind and so you have decided to type this in the search engine and learn that you are not alone.

anonymous - 20 November 2020


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you need to get to work but you don't want to so you do this oh wait i need to get to work.
no need to know - 10 January 2020


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you've already searched qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq and qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, but you havent died from boredom yet
anonymous - 31 January 2018


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you are at school or home, bored out of your mind so you do this and here you are this is constructed by typing from the outside to middle on a qwerty keyboard
anonymous - 24 January 2019


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you are weird because you scrolled all the way to the bottom of the definitions.
potato - 13 April 2019


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It means your at school and you end up bored so bored that you just search this random word your so bored you risk getting caught by the teacher and you go to urban dictionary and just look around and laugh so hard you end up righting one yourself!:)
Sam - 23 May 2019


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At school. and youre bored out of your mind. Or that you just wanna type random letters in your free time just to see if other people are crazy enough to create a website on it. Then you start laughing like crazy but just realized that youre just as crazy as the person who created the website by looking at it, and even more crazy because you wrote a definition for it.
AnonymousR218424 - 28 May 2019


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You thought you found a unique pattern but then the urban dictionary showed up and you realized you were not unique and everything you thought of somebody in history thought it first. even the concept of how everybody thought of everything first is not new and nothing you think is not original.
stop procrastinating - 31 December 2022


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you are sad lonely have no friends use Grammarly are lazy always procrastinate, you are bored out of your mind, and you just did part or finished an assignment, you looked this up and were surprised when you saw other people searched this.
Hi - 30 November 2022


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to be at school pressing every letter from side to side starting from the left then right. you did this from the top row of letters to the bottom thinking your so smart and you think your the only person on earth who has found this 8th wonder of the world but your wrong. now your just sad
ra2 - 30 November 2022


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In school waiting for the kahoot to start and you are crazy bored so you do a random keyboard combination to satisfy your boredom. So im here to tell you that you are doing good in school and it needs to stay that way. Now go play the kahoot, it will be fun
joe bob sea uncle!!! - 2 March 2022


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Your in core support, you finished all your work and while the teacher is telling you what you should do when your done you google this.
Olivia Macias - 24 October 2020


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You have entered the world of boredom, you are sitting in school trying to search up the most random pattern thing u could think of. But there are 2 million other miserable children who are possessed by evil boredom. Good luck with the rest of the school day soldier.
KumalalaKumalalaKuma - 9 June 2022


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You are in school
you don't want to hear your teacher's boring lecture

cbornonwnnor - 1 June 2022


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you have 20 minutes and are trying to act busy while typing random words and it leads you here
anonymous - 3 September 2022


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your bored and your just killing time til the end of school
anonymous - 7 August 2022


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I'm the 95th person hopefully, we will get to 100. and how did so many people think of typing this? if you are searching for this you are just as bored and you can ever be nice.
qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgz - 20 October 2021


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Yes, you are at ur school desk. You have workbut no you google stuff and procrastinate. Risk of getting caught.
jjii - 20 October 2021


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I'm currently in history class and bored. typing quietly so the teacher doesn't hear me. I will never need to know exactly how tall Abraham Lincoln was.
bored guy inhistory - 5 January 2022


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it means you are not a school person and you have decided to type all of your key and see what happens
EEEEEEE - 5 January 2022


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You are in school or are in your house ding homework and you are bored so you type this combination and results actually appear and they are very accurate.
hello - 5 January 2022


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Just pressing things on your keyboard for no actual reason, it just because I felt like it, I mean it's kinda fun then you search up a meaning???
E - 29 November 2021


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This means you are bored in school and you thhink your slick for searching this and the urban dictionary pops up but its blocked so you found this and you are continously looking at the different definitions of this word
Tristan - 29 November 2021


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You typed because you wanted to go on urban dictionary. But, you have a problem. You are on your school computer and the urban dictionary is blocked. But then you feel happy because see that there is another website that you can use. Then you realize you have that one assignment that is due Friday...
Lunuv - 17 November 2021


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your like me with nothing to do, and you think that boredom is the lack of imagination when really, it is just a lack of yourself.
coolboxbro - 15 April 2020


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You have free time in school and you do not know what to search. You have a computer and are trying not to do your work but try not to get caught so you search the most random things.
Donnie Allsion - 6 November 2019


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1.) Get back to work I know you are at school and so am I so I guess I should stop typing.

2.) You are so bored that you want to die.
NoOneKnowsWhoIAm - 7 July 2020


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When you just randomly type on the key board when you THINK your teacher isn’t looking at the screen and you aren’t by your friends and you are very very board because the person next to you is absent and you say “I don’t care what I am typing I am just board.”
Spaghetti45 - 31 October 2019


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You're in study hall thinking you've got better things to do to kill time than this but you do it anyway because the more options to pass the time by the better. Am I right? Geezus it's a long week and it's only Monday.
qwertypop - 12 October 2020


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You are bored off of your limits at school and started typing this word. You started to play flash games that aren't unblocked.
Sylas Williams - 23 September 2020


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Totally bored in school and this is what I do. It is just so boring to do schoolwork so I just do this
Bored - 15 June 2021


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You searched it up once again after finding out all the sites were blocked the first time to see if you could try and find at least one site unblocked. You found this unblocked site and after reading a few people's definitions you decide to write your own while in english class where the teacher is explaining something important or.... at least thats what happend to me
ur mom - 20 February 2023


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When you are bored out of your mide so you start typing random letters... (Dont worry I'm in school too...)
Xx_Stupidname_xX - 19 November 2020


4 Thumbs up   3 Thumbs down


You have been very bored, gone onto urban dictionary but it is blocked so you go on here. But here is some advise. STOP SEARCHING RANDOM THINGS AND GET BACK TO DOING YOUR HOMEWORK!
anonymous - 6 May 2020


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Means you are lonely because you decided to search up these things and I bet you are in school too.
C0rona - 22 June 2020


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your bored while the teacher is talking and googled random things,thought you were a god but you read this much. that's just sad
anonymous - 12 October 2019


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u dont like school and u go in the bathroom to skip it.
anonymous - 4 May 2021


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You type alphabets from top to bottom by taking the letters left right lrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl
Nobody - 29 June 2017


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You type this in when your in school when the teacher tells you to go and do freckle or some online activity, but your bored and you think your smart enough to type it in but lots of others thought of it before you your not one of the special ones.
Anonymous - 5 January 2022


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It means you have no idea what to do, so you start typing the top two letters on the keyboard and moving inward, and then go down to the next row and do the same, and then the same for the last row, find this website in the results, and then realize that nobody here knows how to spell just about anything besides this long answer.
SmartMemer69 - 11 December 2018


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It means you have just gotten bored and got on your computer and then started to type. You got bored of typing so you tried to make words wath all of the letters in the alphabet and you came up with this one
guy - 18 May 2019


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Your doing this cause you wanna waist time doing something and you bored as if so you just decide to do something random or your doing homework and you don't wanna so you put in something random and go on this website and … NO IM NOT IN SCHOOL IM AT HOME DOING HOMEWORK!!!
qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgz - 2 February 2023


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you are bored and yes you are pushing of work and the only reason you are on this site is because urban dictionary is blocked for some odd reason and probably in Mrs. Schrock's class with a sub so moral of the story GET TO YOUR WORK!!!
bored student - 2 June 2023


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you are bored and you don't have anything to do with your life so you typing random stuff on the internet and searching it up to get out of you couch and do something else
qwertyuiopasdfghjklz - 4 March 2022


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I know you were doing strange patterns on the search bar and it showed up below and you just clicked it and now are reading this 'cause you don't want to work
Also you've probably read like 70 definitions or so so how much time have you spent already?
btw i'm bored
Arken - 18 May 2021


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your bored in school, and you scrolled this far, do some wrok before your off target
wack - 14 September 2019


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You are so bored that you just start to type in a random keyboard
thing but the urban dictionary is blocked so you are looking at this.
boredom, I know - 3 April 2023


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you are so bored and tired that you have to press every letter of the alphabet. now make words out of it like queen people words open enter (qpwoe).
boi - 20 June 2017


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i was actually doing what number one was saying LOL
anonymous - 6 February 2018


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You are so bored and/or you saw this before. (How did this site get created???)
Not Telling - 17 December 2018


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When u see a defenition for qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv thats not on urban dictionary
see qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
esg - 17 January 2019


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life is a lonly pklace where people send you to school and you have to do something about it
nn - 7 January 2019


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you are bored as heck and searched up random things and probably have 2-0 friends. you thought you could be unique searching this up and then unblocking a blocked site.
forty seven - 2 June 2023


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you're lonely, you're alone, you're broke, you're lifeless, you're bored, you're sleepy, you're also an orphan. Go back to doing your work..
Your mom is Da Ho - 2 June 2023


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It means that you are probably procrastinating at this moment that you are reading this. It also means that you are too bored to even want to exist. You could even be in class, and there are too many other possibilities. I actually am procrastinating right now too because I don't want to have to do my work even though it's so easy. I went to sleep at 2:00 and woke up at 7:00 and I'm still barely tired. You are probably playing random games on your computer too. By, whoever made this. <3
anonymous - 2 June 2023


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You scrolled all the way down and are now reading this message only to find out that your entertainment methods are either pathetic or limited. Regardless, congratulations to you being a reader of this necro post comment by another person like yourself who lost IQ points reading a billion reviews on a non-existing word
anonymous,sad,bored - 21 September 2022


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Yikes man I get your bored look up some games instead, your not that smart.
PISSman - 5 January 2022


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U are bored at home and got carried away searching up random things. You thought you were so clever but guess what, thousands of people have searched it up too.
anonymous - 1 October 2019


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Your dis fucking bored in class sitting in a hard chair with a hard dest on ur chromebook. The teacher looks around and you get caught almost.
nothing - 20 October 2021


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You're so desperately bored that you ended up typing this as a result.
dafsadsf - 15 August 2019


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when you finally searched it up but u added the FRICKING ;
Filip - 7 April 2020


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youre stuck inside and have schoolwork to do but u dont wanna do it so you just do this. my advice : get back to work and stop procrastinating and do literally anything exept this and STOP!
ANONYMUS - 14 April 2020


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your bored in school and decide im too bored so you type left to right and find your not unique but this does not mean your not unique everyone is special
caiden - 12 February 2021


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you should stop and get some help because you are the stupid one in your class.
You should stop and think about life or what you have done.
You should search nothing else except your work.
you should go do your work or else you fail.
you have your teacher behind you now.
theboredguyinschool - 27 October 2019


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You're in class, don't know the subject the teacher it teaching and you're deciding that you should google random stuff like this.
Billy Bob Joe - 13 February 2020


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YOUR BORED IN SCHOOL and that was it but it has to be 50 characters long so I am writing this your with a computer and think your smart but 432561789`0 people already searched this up and your AVERAGE
ME - 10 January 2024


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You're just really bored and you have nothing to do at school so you search qpwoeiruty and now your teacher is looking at you and now you probably have to go. Now get on your home computer and if you don't, you're a fat lazy person.
anonymous - 7 April 2020


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Just admit it, your bored in school or don't have any work during eagle time so you search up weoiruhfiuerhihuqoi thinking your cool and quirky BUT YOUR NOT, now get back to work.
anonymous - 30 September 2020


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you are at school on the laptops and u smash the key board on your face cause you were probly playing an e this easy game and faild u got sent here now you are reading this lol
thaton3guy - 7 February 2019


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It means that you've tried every other keyboard combination, and are incredibly bored during school, just like me. Time to go finish my essay.
anonymous - 18 April 2019


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Your doing a test and your bored so you search up this when the teacher is not looking
who are you? - 15 May 2019


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So this is what students do on free time... Oh well guess we are suspending chrome books
Jacob - 6 June 2019


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Writing a very unique combination of letters to hide the last thing you searched on your search history.
Dr. Pepper - 5 July 2019


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When you are so bored out of your mind so you decide to look up new words and see their meanings. DO YOUR WORK AND GET OFF OF RANDOM GOOGLE SEARCHES
anonymous - 1 October 2019


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You are in study hall with no work and you were bored so you decided to search random stuff and now your surprised that other people have made sites on it and stuff and then you show your friends and you start chuckling and get in trouble

I know this because I'm doing it too XD
I know you - 17 January 2020


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The absolute of boredom, you type this in google when you have no purpose of existing on this rotting planet. Or.. you might be just plain bored because you got grounded from the xbox yet you hid the phone somewhere, this is one of they many random things you might be curious to type out of sheer boredom.
h - 27 September 2019


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the meaning of the power of the cloumbanius of wasting time witch in prime state can waste the life force of 100 % of the normal lifes
rob - 11 September 2020


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You are BORED out of your mind, have nothing to do, and still have loads of homework. That's me right now. YOU ACTUALLY CAN'T DO ANYTHING EXCEPT SEARCH UP RANDOM KEYS ON THE INTERNET because u are bored... usually when you're in remote writing class and, welp, lol. This is basically a sign that you need mental help... OH GOD MY MOM'S COMING IN MY ROOM CYA
xX_FireBoy_Xx - 12 January 2022


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It is a conpsct of starting on the top row of letter's on the keyboared then moving inwards and counting that pattern till the last row. Also measn your bored and have nothign to do exepc kill time.
Person - 31 October 2017


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You are procrastinating and you will probably be a dropout so do your work
anonymous - 10 December 2018


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A holalphabetic word often entered into search engines by users that feel they have seen everything there is to see on the web. Construction is based on the qwerty keyboard by alternating left to right on the top row from outward to inward, and then top to bottom using all three rows (and thus, all letters). The word has no intrinsic meaning, though it is a proper noun for some tedious accounts such as on Youtube.
Gregory Dearth - 11 January 2018


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You suck so bad at life and at every thing else and life -- wait did I say life, well to bad so ya the reason im writin this much is that the minimum word count in this thing is fifity so, im just doing mostly space fillers right now
Tahoe - 29 November 2018

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