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uwu"uwu" is not actually a word, but a text emoticon. If you look closely, you can see that the "u"s represent two little closed eyes, and the "w" represents the mouth of some kind of mammal. The resulting expression is intended to and does indeed generate adorability, so the mammal is widely presumed to be a small dog or a cat. This is not to say that it couldn't possibly be a seal or something similarly appealing. One should exercise caution in using the "uwu" emoticon without clear irony, especially as a male, as it can have negative connotations outside of weeaboo circles. ![]() Jimmy sends photo of new puppy to claire. Claire: OMG thats soo cute uwu Jimmy: Haha yeah wyd later Ex. 2 (incorrect) Jimmy: Wanna hang out? uwu Claire: Hey sorry man Im busy forever
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uwuUwU is a smiley face of were a charater is closing their eyes with a cat smiley
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uwuuwu/UwU means relaxed or cuteness overload. If you were to watch an anime, you might see a face like that on a character.
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uwuUwU or uwu is a term closely linked with OwO. It is a text face that is similar to :) or ^^
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uwuLike all of all the fluffy yaoi UWU and no smut UWU ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),
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uwuPeople use the emotion ' uwu ' but to be honest it actually stands for ' unhappy with you ' like wtf can this happen.
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uwuUwU is a cuteness overload anime or animal face. Can be used in a sentence randomly or to show that something or someone is cute. Or just a cute mini chibi kawaii anime face.
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uwuUwU can mean a simbol or a face for example,, Hi! I love your drawing uwu! " Thanks! uwu " It can mean a happy and or relaxed face, But it can also mean,, Hey did you know that uwu is not here today? ( pronunciation: Uu-wou-u ) " Yes, He/She isn’t here. "
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uwu"UwU" or "Unhappy Without U" is used as an emoji like T^T and other stuff owo
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uwuuwu (1)Is the definition of a cuteness overload (2)When you feel soft about something you say „uwu“ (3)it‘s also used as a little smiley Source: urbandictionary.com
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uwuuwu is a happy anime face other examples are owo,-w-,IwI
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uwuUwU means "Rail me" . . .
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uwueveryday i eat a scrumptious block of aged cheddar cheese. scrumptious, i think to myself. after a hard day of work at the cheese factory, taking a bite of a delectable piece of dairy really calms my nerves. i may toot after eating it, but it makes me overjoyed to eat cheese. i send a telegraph to my friends to describe my experience. uwu
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uwumy family thinks iitts some kind of sayiing people say but no UwU
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uwuUwU is the furry language, it is also used for *ahem* things…it is also the sibling of OwO, T^T, QwQ, U^U, O^O, XD, :3, X3, etc. It also used by over-obsessed anime fans(mostly females) who want to make themselves look “kawaii” and so, they use this—thing to convince people that they’re “kawaii”
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uwuuwu means cute and cute means koalas and koalas means slow and slow means everyone
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uwuCute and not bad for male to say UwU uWu uwu UWU so yes very cute UwU
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uwuUwU isn’t a bad thing it’s a Face that people like to put if you put it in a sentence! I like putting UwU in texts and even in online class in 2020-2021 if I feel like I just proven something. I feel proud and want to show it!
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uwuUwU is a puppy like face. People see it as a cat most of the time. But really the Uwu UwU uwu is for any animal that can make the expression such as a dog, hamster etc. The face is used on anime characters as well.
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uwuIt means rail me So yeah dont say UWU to a guy if your a girl because it means rail me
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uwuI use the UwU emoji when I find something cute or I'm relaxed. I am furry but I found this out with a anti-furry, maybe if you do a thorough research you will discover that you are one and stop talking bad about us. I'm using Google translate :(
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uwuUwU means when a cat/or anime character will smile, it doesnt mean anything bad (i think) so why say it means a abd thing?..
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uwuuwu: a cute emoticon that is used for cuteness!!! but it could mean happiness and other emotes.
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uwuUwU means smiley or smile an its not "rape" it means smile
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uwuSleepy or peace or bye say when sleepy or saying
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uwuUwU is a text emoticon signifying happiness, cuteness, or both.
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uwuWhen an anime or manga character is overjoyed and it also means that you or someone else is happy, due to what is happening . Others just use it for fun.
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uwuUwU means like a happiness attack incoming.It can also mean shyness orangry like ùwú.
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uwuUwU is an emoji my friend taught me it and we use it all da time bc I think it is fun and I like it UwU UwU OwO
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uwuuwu means that someone is being cute of kawaii for example ''ur so cute uwu'' or owo
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uwuThe word "UwU" is a face like :), owo, qwq, or ^^. The "U" Is a eye, and the "w" is a kind of mouth. It's like the same for qwq or owo
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uwuAn expression used by E-Girls, Furries, and Weebs, as a way to communicate how... perky and... d e l e c t a b l e, they are. UwU.
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uwuUwU is a Emoticon and it is described as being cute
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uwuUwU is the best thing thats evew happened UwU! I weawwy wike UwU and fow me it means that im wewaxed or i feew cute! UwU <3 awso i feew wike awot of fuwwies use this wowd so im gonna say it asweww UwU <3
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uwuuwu UwU (or uwu) is a version of the text-faces ":3" or "^w^", however it can be seen as condescending/smug.
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uwua emoticon commony used by furries, many people describe it as cringe and others as cute. Some people use it to mock furries, but realy, why do you care what we say? (other emoticons similar to uwu OwO UwO TwT OvO)
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uwuAnother way to say I love you but, instead it’s I wuv you.
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uwuadorableness overload. e.g. Nagisa from Free! or Shouto from My Hero Academia.
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uwuUwU can be a face or a bad thing it can stand for what the fuck
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uwuUwU or uwu is another way of typing the smiley face :3, TwT or twt. it means happy, like an anime character's face when they're overjoyed.
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uwuUwU (or uwu) is a version of the text-faces ":3" or "^w^", however it can be seen as condescending/smug.
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uwuooh-woo, uh-woo, oo-wuh, u-wuh. Another unpronounceable word that people use because they're bad at typing or because they think itz kool 2 tip lik dis
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uwuyou devil you.. comment to a friend that has confessed to've done a "little bad".
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uwuSomething that stupid furries use to make themselves feel cute.
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uwuused by idiots whu think they are beter for using new words that do not actualy exist, taking advantage of the evolution of the languaje to create a complete mess
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