Meaning working copy
What does working copy mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word working copy. You can also add a definition of working copy yourself


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working copy

A document, not intended to be permanent, which serves to permit or facilitate further work or activity, sometimes by more than one person. A working copy is generally adopted as a temporary basis for [..]


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working copy

A personal copy of the files being managed by a version control system


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working copy

a document possessing short-term or transitory value, utilized as related or reference-only information for a business process or function. This document type may be referred to as a reference-only copy and its use does not alter the fact that it is a working copy. Working copies are documents that have no administrative, operational, financial, le [..]
Source: (offline)


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working copy

A copy of the master record, displayed on the user's screen. When the user edits the working copy, the master record remains unchanged. Also called "editing locally."
Source: (offline)


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working copy

Working Copies When using an SCCS system, the copy maintained on a remote server is usually treated as a master copy. Any local copies are called working copies. When you leave any work session, you should try to make sure the remote and working copies are identical. This will prevent problems later!
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