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The standard order of letters on a keyboard, and also the first of many combinations of letters that you will eventually go through because you either don't have life or are bored out of your mind at school. Or both. So now we share the single moment in time when generations meet, and then go on with our lives, never knowing who the other person was, vanishing in the sea of billions of humans, fading into dust in your memory. You will never know anything about me, but regardless, I wish you luck in life and I also encourage you to finally start working on that project.
hi fellow humans - 17 January 2024

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Key pest

A key pest is a pest species that is known to cause consistent and significant damage to crops or agricultural systems. Key pests are of primary concern to farmers and crop managers due to their regular and substantial impact on crop yields and quality. These pests are usually the focus of intensive pest management strategies, which can include monitoring, prevention, and control measures.
TITUS - 17 January 2024

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S - shut
Y - your
B - bitch
A - ass
U - up
‘shut your bitch ass up’, or from what ive heard, another definition would be: ‘shut your black ass up’ as mainly used as a ‘joke’ towards/between black people.
audrey - 17 January 2024

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Adjective/ Meaning: Beauty at a level beyond that which is already, beautiful and of a scale that is 'top notch'; of utmost beauty; more beautiful; beauty absolute; of lacking no element of beauty
'Lytemup' -Laurie - 10 January 2024

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YOUR BORED IN SCHOOL and that was it but it has to be 50 characters long so I am writing this your with a computer and think your smart but 432561789`0 people already searched this up and your AVERAGE
ME - 10 January 2024

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The concept need, provided for certain achievement in a specific range and task to cover by considering the goals to achieve what you want achieve.
Ibrahim Hamisu Ibrah - 13 September 2023

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Scheme of work

It is a detailed breakdown of topics into simpler form to guide a teacher so as to teach each topic and assess students' progress in learning over a given period of time (usually a term or a complete year).
David Nelson H. - 13 September 2023

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It can mean something in a racist way when people says it and they gets offended by the person
Jamia - 13 September 2023

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I have heard, " I've gotten myself into a quandrum" and I was trying to figure out what it meant myself!
Robin Basso - 13 September 2023

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meaning of wasty is a person who humble him/her self and to achieve something in life
wasty - 13 September 2023

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Someone who wants to archive something better than expected in life
Abraham Winney (DON) - 13 September 2023

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Gene Evans had the lead role in the 1951 movie The Steel Helmet. A Korean War film, an English speaking Korean boy enters the picture early on and stays with Evans throughout. He is dubbed Short Round and is about the same age as Harrison Ford's buddy. The term is even older, but whether there is an older movie character I do not know.
David Coffman - 13 September 2023

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it means ur bored. thats it. go back to school and study instead of typing random words that arent really words
anonymous - 13 September 2023

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To convert a concept into a numerical representation. Similar to mathematize.
Steven Baker - 13 September 2023

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Eragon, the Hebrew word for work, mean to reveal yourself, just like inside a tree we have tables, chair and lot more...it is man's works that reveals that.
Samaking - 13 September 2023

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someone who be flakin on the plans, without telling you a word
420K - 13 September 2023

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To be a wild lover, one who leads one without direct intentions of taking it to the next level
Paul Mukwenya smooth - 13 September 2023

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City tour

can be walking and visit through the main excited area and historical places around the city.
abdulrahman - 13 September 2023

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A term made by hopeless homophobic draco malfoy simps to mock the LGBTQIAP+ community.. (Like come on)
Turdleclubz - 13 September 2023

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environmental hygiene

Environmental hygiene or sanitation is keeping our environment or immediate surrounding clean so as to live a healthy life and keep safe from diseases.
Cindy - 5 July 2023

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That’s my mom’s word for poop. I guess it was “nicer” than saying shit.
Caperin - 5 July 2023

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hard over

of a ship: The helm is turned as far as possible.

as a verbal warning: The ship is turning as hard as possible, and if an obstacle is ahead it may not be avoidable since the turning authority is exhausted.
anonymous - 5 July 2023

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menu card

A list of words in a menu
card to order food from a restaurant
Glory - 5 July 2023

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A video game every 9 year old rages at. random words to get to 50 words
garfield garfield - 2 June 2023

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Shut your black ass up
As in a racist way like including the black part as a joke or being dead ass anyway it can also mean shut your place ass up. Ksjejeiej Jen ej eje eed e e d d d d d d d d d d. D
Jay - 2 June 2023

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when you realize your bored out of your mind which is deez nuts and deez is a nut of deez, please excuse me for my langauge, De3z i mean cuz its a super bad and racial word0-0
deez nuts - 2 June 2023

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A scabber is a day trader who missed the move up at the open and spends the afternoon attempting to catch up.
David Hauthorn - 2 June 2023

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menu card

Menu card is card that has the list of food selected from the restaurant
anonymous - 2 June 2023

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A desperate cry of help that you typed started from p and going down and right, therefore made plokijuhygtfrdeswaq. It uses a pattern of a horse stepping because you stop after each 2 letters.
anonymous - 2 June 2023

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